
Κυριακή 5 Ιουλίου 2009

Tελικά η καπνο απαγορευση ειχε τους ..προδρομους της :Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany

Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany


''Anti-tobacco movements grew in many nations from the beginning of the 20th century,[5][6] but these had little success, except in Germany, where the campaign was supported by the government after the Nazis came to power.[5] It was the most powerful anti-smoking movement in the world during the 1930s and early 1940s.[7] The National Socialist leadership condemned smoking[8] and several of them openly criticized tobacco consumption.[7] Research on smoking and its effects on health thrived under Nazi rule[9] and was the most important of its type at that time.[10] Adolf Hitler's personal distaste for tobacco[11] and the Nazi reproductive policies were among the motivating factors behind their campaign against smoking, and this campaign was associated with both antisemitism and racism.[12]
The Nazi anti-tobacco campaign included banning smoking in trams, buses and city trains,[7] promoting health education,[13] limiting cigarette rations in the Wehrmacht, organizing medical lectures for soldiers, and raising the tobacco tax.[7] The National Socialists also imposed restrictions on tobacco advertising and smoking in public spaces, and regulated restaurants and coffeehouses'.....

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Ο Έρωτας του Προυστ: Σουάν , Οντέτ

 OCTAVIO PAZ Η ΔΙΠΛΗ ΦΛΟΓΑ Έρωτας και ερωτισμός( 1993)  Μετάφραση ΣΑΡΑ ΜΠΕΝΒΕΝΙΣΤΕ,  ΜΑΡΙΑ ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΑ ΕΞΑΝΤΑΣ-ΝΗΜΑΤΑ 1996  Σελ ,58 ,59 ,60   Ο...