Andre Gorz, philosopher of freedom, sociologist of work, ecologist and democratic socialist, trade union adviser, journalist and for a time editor of Nouvelle Observateur and Les Tempes Modernes, took his life at 84 on the 24th of September together with his wife Dorine, 83, who was suffering from a degenerative disease. On the 25th he was about to appear on German Television to discuss his latest book, Lettre à D. Histoire d'un amour, published in 2006 -- a testament of love to her and their 56 years together.
Gorz was a key mentor of France's New Left. He took the idea of freedom and equality to areas that his very own mentor Jean-Paul Sartre feared to tread. His vivid writing and analyses became a major influence to most of us in the anti-apartheid and labour movement in South Africa: from Rick Turner to Cyril Ramophosa; from Eddie Webster to Blade Nzimande; from debates of the limits and possibilities of a democratic workplace to an unconditional basic income grant; from a critique of Marxism's productivism to an ecological communalism; from notions of freedom from drudgery and work to the shortening of the working week, from job-sharing to the meaning of active and emancipated communities.
Gorz was also the celebrated journalist .......
Η συνεχεια εδώ:http://www.monthlyreview.org/mrzine/sitas260907.html
Gorz was a key mentor of France's New Left. He took the idea of freedom and equality to areas that his very own mentor Jean-Paul Sartre feared to tread. His vivid writing and analyses became a major influence to most of us in the anti-apartheid and labour movement in South Africa: from Rick Turner to Cyril Ramophosa; from Eddie Webster to Blade Nzimande; from debates of the limits and possibilities of a democratic workplace to an unconditional basic income grant; from a critique of Marxism's productivism to an ecological communalism; from notions of freedom from drudgery and work to the shortening of the working week, from job-sharing to the meaning of active and emancipated communities.
Gorz was also the celebrated journalist .......
Η συνεχεια εδώ:http://www.monthlyreview.org/mrzine/sitas260907.html