
Σάββατο 1 Αυγούστου 2009

οι εννοιες του υποκειμενου στον Λακάν πηγή:NO SUBJECT encyclopedia of psychoanalysis

NO SUBJECT encyclopedia of psychoanalysis

''Three Kinds
In 1945,
Lacan distinguishes between three kinds of subject.
Firstly, there is the impersonal subject, independent of the other, the pure grammatical subject, the noetic subject, the "it" of "it is known that."
Secondly, there is the anonymous reciprocal subject who is completely equal to and substitutable for any other, and who recognises himself in equivalence with the other.
Thirdly, there is the personal subject, whose uniqueness is constituted by an act of self-affirmation.
It is always this third sense of the subject, the subject in his uniqueness, that constitutes the focus of
Lacan's work.
Subject and Ego
In 1953,
Lacan establishes a distinction between the subject and the ego which will remain one of the most fundamental distinctions throughout the rest of his work.
Whereas the
ego is part of the imaginary order, the subject is part of the symbolic.
Thus the subject is not simply equivalent to a
conscious sense of agency, which is a mere illusion produced by the ego, but to the unconscious; Lacan's "subject" is the subject of the unconscious.
Sigmund Freud
Lacan argues that this distinction can be traced back to Freud:
"[Freud] wrote Das Ich und das Es in order to maintain this fundamental distinction between the true subject of the unconscious and the ego as constituted in its nucleus by a series of alienating identifications.

References to
language come to dominate Lacan's concept of the subject from the mid-1950s on.
He distinguishes the subject of the
statement from the subject of the enunciation to show that because the subject is essentially a speaking being (parlêtre), he is inescapably divided, castrated, split.
In the early 1960s
Lacan defines the subject as that which is represented by a signifier for another signifier; in other words, the subject is an effect of language.[8].
[edit] Philosophy and Law
Besides its place in
linguistics and logic, the term "subject" also has philosophical and legal connotations.
philosophical discourse, it denotes an individual self-consciousness, whereas in legal discourse, it denotes a person who is under the power of another (e.g. a person who is subject to the sovereign).
The fact that the term possesses both these meanings means that it perfectly illustrates
Lacan's thesis about the determination of consciousness by the symbolic order.
"The subject is a subject only by virtue of his subjection to the field of the Other."
The term also functions in legal discourse to designate the support of action; the subject is one who can be held responsible for his acts.
[edit] Descartes's Cogito
philosophical connotations of the term are particularly emphasised by Lacan, who links it with Descartes's philosophy of the cogito:
in the term subject . . . I am not designating the living substratum needed by this phenomenon of the subject, nor any sort of substance, nor any being possessing knowledge in his pathos . . . nor even some incarnated logos, but the Cartesian subject, who appears at the moment when doubt is recognised as certainty.
[edit] Subject of the Unconscious
The fact that the
symbol of the subject, S, is a homophone of the Freud's term Es ('Id') illustrates that for Lacan, the true subject is the subject of the unconscious.
In 1957
Lacan strikes through this symbol to produce the symbol $, the "barred subject," thus illustrating the fact that the subject is essentially


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