
Τρίτη 14 Ιουλίου 2009

Un Mundo Raro (A Strange World) (κλικ)

When they speak to you of love
and of dreamsand
they offer the sunand all of heaven,
if you think of medon't mention me
because (if you do) you're going to feel love that was the best kind (mine)
And if they want to know
about your past,you'll need to tell a lie,-
that you come from far away
from a strange world,

that you don't know how to cry,
that you don't understand about love
and that you never have loved
For wherever I goI'll talk about your love
like a golden dream,and forgetting the resentment,
I won't say that your goodbyebrought me misery
And if they want to knowabout my past
I'll also need to tell another lieI'll tell them
that I camefrom a strange world,
that I don't know about pain
that I've triumphed in love
and that I've never cried
I'll tell them that I come
from a strange world
That I don't know about pain
That I've triumphed in love
and that I've never cried

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